
Awkward & Awesome


-being 20. growing up sucks. 
-3 tests. one day. 
-teachers who dont teach, then test on what they dont teach.
-the old man in the park that started a conversation with me. interesting perspective sir. 
-10+ girls telling you your hot pink sweat shorts were super cute, when you know for a fact that your butt looks 10+ times bigger than normal. hahaha. oh girls. 
-seeing NASTY pictures of yourself that other people take. and. there. is. nothing. you. can. do. about. it. 
-today marks 2 years since ive been graduated from high school. 
-the symphony that was going on in the Clark Building girls bathroom. seriously did all 3 of you eat at the same place? that is nastay. 


-the sun FINALLY shining for more than 2 hours at a time.
-memorial day weekend. 
-sidewalk chalk.
-phone calls from daddy. 
-burlesque. amazing movie. watch it. please. 
-friends. old. new. some are silver and the others gold. 
-family time. got a lot of it this weekend. 

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